Springer Nature Group promoted Ansible for Kubernetes by Example

Springer Nature Group promoted Ansible for Kubernetes by Example

July 30, 2023
developer, code, devops, development
ansible, devops, Kubernetes, ITAutomationTool, AnsibleforOpenShift, AmazonElasticKubernetesService, EKS, AzureKubernetesService, AKS, GoogleKubernetesEngine, GKE, Apressauthor, FeaturedFriday, motivation, writing, tech, publishing

Buy my latest book “Ansible For Kubernetes By Example” edited with Apress, published date 11th May 2023.

Springer Nature Group #

Apress, a part of Springer Nature Group, offers premium content for developers, IT professionals, and tech specialists seeking to enhance their skills on the fly. They provide 3,000+ valuable titles on subjects like Big Data, Web Development, and Programming Languages, authored by experts from the US, UK, and India. Among their latest releases is “ Ansible for Kubernetes by Example” by Luca Berton. Interested individuals can purchase single titles or opt for the Apress Access subscription service. #BigData #WebDev #WebDevelopment #Programming

  • “I wrote this book to help IT professionals sava time by automating workflows.” Luca Berton and Walter H. Bentley Director of Ansible Community Strategy at Red Hat Automation & Innovation Image 1: Luca Berton and Walter H. Bentley Director of Ansible Community Strategy at Red Hat Automation & Innovation

  • “In a period of uncertainity, this is the guide to upskill. It aims to propel a career in automation.” Luca Berton and Carol Chen Ansible Open Source Community Architect at Red Hat Automation & Innovation Image 2: Luca Berton and Carol Chen Ansible Open Source Community Architect at Red Hat Automation & Innovation

  • “Each time I show the code included in the book, the sparkle in the eyes of IT professionals rewards me for my hard work.” Luca Berton with the Ansible Community at the DevConf.cz conference Image 3: Luca Berton with the Ansible Community at the DevConf.cz event

Buy my latest book “Ansible For Kubernetes By Example” edited with Apress, published date 11th May 2023.